Avoid climbing prices at the store, use our chicken necks to make home made chicken broth! (mention our website and purchase chicken necks for $3.50 per pound)
How Our Poultry Is Raised:
We purchase our chicks from the hatchery. They are shipped using the US postal service and arrive on the farm as day old chicks. The chicks are sensitive to temperature change and drafts for the first two weeks of life. During this time we keep them in our chicken house, which was rebuilt in 1936 after a fire burned all the outbuildings to the ground. We have made a few modifications to the building, but it works wonderfully as a brooder for young chicks. They have wood shavings for bedding, feed, water and heat lamps to regulate the temperature.
The Great Outdoors!
Once the chicks are off to a good start and able to withstand changing temperatures outside, we move them outdoors into our chicken tractors. We continue to feed them our broiler feed (Non-GMO corn raised on our farm, essential vitamins and soybean meal for protein). The chicken tractors are moved once a day so the broilers are foraging for grass, bugs and getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine. We find that raising broilers in a system like this allows us to keep the birds safe from predators and extreme weather while still allowing them to be outside in a more natural environment. We are able to provide our customers with a premium, locally grown product.
Farm to Table
Our poultry is raised without the use of artificial hormones or antibiotics. The dressed weight of a broiler averages 3-6 pounds. The broilers are only raised in the summer when fresh pasture is available, so supply becomes limited during the winter months. (First come, first serve.... so stock your freezer early to ensure good eating year around!)
Turkeys are processed in early October and are frozen. Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys range in size between 5 and 35 pounds. This variety is known for the large amount of breast meat they provide. Reserve early in the season, with a partial payment of $20 per bird.
Because of the prohibitive pricing of heritage turkey poults, we no longer offer heritage birds.
EGGS Price: $6.00/dozen Our Black Australorpe, Barred Rock, and Wyandotte hens lay brown eggs. Our Easter Egger hens lay a blue/green egg!
Hens in the Egg Mobile
The egg mobile was designed as a summer home for our layer flock. The idea is for the hens follow the other livestock through ratationally grazed pastures, foraging and disturbing manure piles until their little hearts are content! Inside this adorable henhouse on wheels are: 24 nesting boxes for eggs laying 1 large roost for perching/sleeping Screen wire flooring for easy manure management
The Eggmobile was built using running gear from an old hayrack, recycled lumber from old buildings, and reused tin from an old barn. The North Polk High School shop class constructed the barn as a class project and did an excellent job.